Rob Oldfield Liberal (2025)

1. Rob Oldfield -Director of Coaching | Vereinigung Erzgebirge, Inc.

  • Missing: liberal | Show results with:liberal

  • Rob Oldfield PLAYING CAREER Began  playing career for Warminster ‘74 travel (1986-92) Attended William Tennent H.S. (1989-92), where he was a two-year varsity player. Team MVP, First Team...

Rob Oldfield -Director of Coaching | Vereinigung Erzgebirge, Inc.

2. 1945 | Dartmouth Alumni Magazine | March 1960

1945 | Dartmouth Alumni Magazine | March 1960


  • Sep 23, 2019 · I am Robert Oldfield. LTC, USA, Retired, often called Barney. I was released from a "gated community” last. December after 15 y flat-time for ...

4. Robert Oldfield - Home

5. Her Majesty the Queen v. Robert Oldfield, [1986] 1 CTC 321 | Tax ...

  • Following pleas of ''not guilty" to both counts, and prior to hearing any evidence, the Crown and defence joined in an application that an issue be directed as ...

  • Davies, Prov. Ct., J.:—The accused stands charged:

6. 09 Dec 1925 - A Pioneer Passes. - Trove

  • Robert Oldfield, who died in Mudgee on Thursday last, aged 76 years, was one of the sturdy pioneers who helped materially in ...

09 Dec 1925 - A Pioneer Passes. - Trove

7. 1945 | Dartmouth Alumni Magazine | June 1952

  • The Cold War and Liberal Education To a Father From a Dean. June 1952 ... OLDFIELD JR. Class Notes. 1945. January 1960 By SAMUEL E. CUTLER JR., ROBERT D ...

  • This will be my last column for awhile for vacation time is just around the corner. There are very few times during the year when I'm glad that I am a schoolteacher and this is one of them. And so, laughing up my sleeve at you high-bracket income boys, I am leaving on June 17 for a trip around the continent of Europe. This, of course, is an educational tour. I plan to spend about a week in Paris completing my education, and thence on to Italy, Germany, Switzerland, England, etc. But, in the meantime, back here lots will be going on that I will be missing, and I expect that you will keep me posted so that next fall's columns will be loaded with information. And if anything comes up that is of major importance to the class, Rod Walser will be available.

1945 | Dartmouth Alumni Magazine | June 1952


  • The growing importance of religious conservatives within the Republi- can Party is one of the most interesting aspects of evolving party coali-.

Rob Oldfield Liberal (2025)


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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.